Thursday, May 1, 2008

15 TAIWAN ROMANCE: ' The Glory Of The Sunset' - 烟水寒

‘ The Glory Of The Sunset ‘

Cast : Chen Chen , Chin Han , Liu Shang-chien
Director : Lai Chen-yin


A young doctor, regardless of his family’s objection, had decided to marry his beloved one. When he discovered that he had contracted a terminal disease and had only a few months to live with, he left his house without a word and came to a rural village.

When the doctor saw the run-down medical facilities in the village, he thought he should contribute his best to provide medical assistance to those needy during his lifetime. Hence, he started a medical clinic, which in a short time, his name was spread wide and far. Meanwhile, his beloved girl friend finally found him in the village. Upon hearing his terminal disease, she insisted to marry the dying doctor …

烟水寒 ... 甄珍 , 秦汉

叶一诚和筑玲相识相恋了5年,但在一诚就要完成医学院的前夕,一次剧烈的咳嗽后留下的血迹,从此改变了他以后的人生. 他已是肺癌晚期,在灰心颓丧之余,他选择了离开他所爱的人,他不想让爱他的人看到他因病痛折磨而痛苦的表情. 于是,他来到了一个海边的小镇,只想让自己静静等待那最后时光的来临.

一个偶然的机会,他看到一个腿有残疾的小男孩摔倒. 于是,他扶他,小男孩却笑着对他说:“没关系,摔倒了,爬起来就是了”. 一诚从这个小男孩身上受到了极大的触动. 于是,他开始重新面对人生,决心用有限的生命为小镇上的人治病 ...

Rating / 评价 : 3 ½ stars of 5

1 comment:

Diane said...

What a touching story! I have watched this film many times, and every time, it brought tears to my eyes. The love of this couple was strong and binding. "Till death do we part..."