Wednesday, April 30, 2008

13 TAIWAN ROMANCE : ' The Young Ones '- 彩云飞

' The Young Ones '

Cast : Chen Chen , Alan Tang
Director : Li Hsing


Alan from Hong Kong flew to Taiwan to pursue his degree and was arranged to stay with his uncle, a good friend of his parents. The silence of his first night was broken by a piece of wonderful piano melody. Alan craned his neck to see who had played that beautiful tune and was astounded to see a lady in white gown. At once, he knew she was his uncle’s daughter, though he had yet to see her in the day when he arrived at her house. Love had struck between the two young ones and they had many precious moments together .Soon his dominant father called him back home when he knew that the girl was suffering from a kind of terminal disease…

彩云飞 ... 甄珍 , 邓光荣

问彩云, 何处飞?愿乘风 永追随。有奇缘,能相聚,死也无悔。


Rating / 评价 : 4 ½ stars of 5

1 comment:

Diane said...

Twin sisters, with characters like day and night, were separated from birth and grew up in 2 different worlds. Alan fell in love with one who unfortunately died due to a long term illness, his world crumbled till he met the other twin by accident,who mended his broken heart and rekindled his feelings. An absolutely fantastic love story!