Tuesday, May 13, 2008

128 SB KUNG FU : ' Boxer Rebellion '

' Boxer Rebellion '

Cast : Fu Sheng , Chi Kuan-chun , Li Li-hua , Hu Chin , Jenny Tseng
Director : Chang Cheh


Towards the twilight of the Qing Dynasty, Empress Dowager was unable to protect the country against foreign invasion. In desperation, she held her trust in her pugilists who were believed to be unbeatable with their superpower protection. With their support, Empress Dowager declared war to the Allied Combined Troops …

Bloody thrills and stereotyped Chang Cheh’s fight scenes !

Rating : 3 stars of 5

1 comment:

terence said...

This movie is noteworthy to me only because the legendary Li Li-hua proved that she was a better actress to play the Empress Dowager!