Sunday, August 3, 2008

326 TAIWAN ROMANCE : ‘ Where The Seagull Flies ‘ - 海鸥飞处

Where The Seagull Flies ‘ - 海鸥飞处

Cast: Chen Chen, Alan Tang, Patrick Tse
Director: Li Hsing


A journalist had encountered a mysterious lady of different identities on three occasions. When he met her in Hong Kong, she was a murderer of her husband. When he was in Singapore, she appeared as an anonymous singer. After he returned to Taiwan, her status was a college student. These had aroused his curiosity to investigate the truth and he discovered that she was ...........

Adapted from Qiong Yao’s best selling novel, this top-notch romantic classic has the best screen couple and many wonderful songs!

海鸥飞处 甄珍 , 邓光荣

琼瑶同名小说改编 …

一位英俊潇洒的记者俞慕槐,遇上三个相同面孔却不同身份的谜样女孩,后来发现,三人都是富家千金羽裳。为了惩罚爱玩的羽裳,俞慕槐竟然在两人热恋时说:“我从未真心爱过你 ” ……

Rating / 评价 : 4 ½ stars of 5


Diane said...

甄珍,鄧光荣俩人演得太好, 实在是天生一对呀!音乐也很好听阿!

Andrea said...

A wonderful cast movie with the major players lined up and in the appropriate roles. This is one of Chen Chen and Alan Tang popular pictures besides their Cai Yun Fei.