Wednesday, July 9, 2008

292 REVIEW : ‘ Forever And Ever ‘

‘ Forever And Ever ‘

Cast : Ivy Ling Po , Lin Yu
Director : Lo Wei


A poor scholar was manipulated into marrying a nobleman’s reluctant daughter. For three months, the couple did not consummate their relationship. Soon the wife revealed her hesitation as she was stricken with a contagious disease ….

Rating : 2 stars of 5


Diane said...

Dieser Huang Mei Diao Film hat mich sehr imponiert, da er mit schöner Musik und viel attraktive Kostüme kommt. Ling Po ist wie immer in ihre Männliche Role, die neue Darstellerin Lin Yu shaut Betty Le Di sehr ähnlich, aber ihre Spieltalent läßt noch zu wünschen übrig. Eine märchenhafte Geschichte! Entertainment pur!

This Huang Mei Diao film impresses me because it has nice music and beautiful costumes. Ling Po is, as usual, in her man role. The new star Lin Yu's, a look alike of Betty Le Di, acting talent is something to be desired. It's a fairy tale! Pure Entertainment!

Unknown said...

I quite like this movie but it is not a groundbreaking one. Ivy Ling Po is as usual good in a male role but her fans should not have insisted that she play the male role as the director originally wanted her for the more challenging role of the female lead who's a leprosy victim. Lin Yu who eventually got the leading role, cannot act to save her life.

Amelia said...

I am glad that the male lead was given to Ling Po. She looked so 'sweetly' handsome in this yellow plumb opera.

Scenes that enthralled me were:
1) the wedding night when Ling Po was confused by the cold reception from his bride.

2) Ling Po's cheeky grin in the garden counting for the days left for consummation.

3) Ling Po's anguish and sadness upon the news of his bride's death.

And lastly, her lovely voice and huangmei singing are truly entertaining and mesmerizing!