Sunday, November 9, 2008

466 SB DRAMA : ‘ Temptress Of A Thousand Faces ‘

‘ Temptress Of A Thousand Faces ‘

Cast : Tina Chin Fei , Chen Liang , Pat Ting Hung
Director : Cheng Chang-ho


A policewoman and her boyfriend spearheaded the hunt for a villainous criminal organization that had terrorized the city with numerous robberies. The master criminal used disguises whenever she committed a crime. Then it was up to the two courageous cops to track her down and reveal her true identity …

Rating : 3 ½ stars of 5

1 comment:

Diva said...

areThis movie is on the top of my list of Sb movies I still need to get before it goes out of print. Tina Chin Fei is so awesome!