Monday, October 13, 2008

431 TAIWAN ROMANCE : ‘ My Cape Of Many Dreams ‘ - 梦 的 衣 裳

My Cape Of Many Dreams ‘ - 梦 的 衣 裳

Cast : Chin Han , Lui Siew-ling , Kenny Bee
Director : Lui Li-li


An old granny missed her beloved grand-daughter who was away in America for many years. Little did she know that her grand-daughter had met a mishap and died long ago. In view not to hurt the old granny, her grandson found a girl who was his sister look-a-like to feign her …

梦的衣裳 … 秦汉 , 吕秀菱 , 钟镇涛

一个调皮、活泼而漂亮的女孩,没想到自己竟然会被一个风度翩翩的富家公子跟踪. 原来这个跟踪者,是一个庞大家族的次子. 他找她的目的,就是希望她能够扮演他已经不在人世的妹妹,伴随他的奶奶度过人生的最后一段岁月…

Rating / 评价 : 3 1/2 stars of 5


Diane said...

Liu Siew Ling is a very attractive lady but she has a melancholic smile somehow like Betty Le Di. She was the whole time sad in "Errant Love", when she played in this movie, she was quite different, she was cheerful. Kenny Bee would be better as her partner than Chin Han because Chin Han looked a bit old for her. The movie isn't bad at all.

Andrea said...

A mismatch of Chin Han and Lui Siew Ling in this 'Cape of Dreams'! Wonder why Qiong Yao did not match Lui to Kenny Bee ; their chemistry in "Errant Love" was great!