Tuesday, September 16, 2008

391 SB KUNG FU : ‘ The Anonymous Heroes ‘

‘ The Anonymous Heroes ‘

Cast : David Chiang, Ti Lung, Ching Li
Director : Chang Cheh


In a turbulent era of the Chinese revolution, a secretive rebel leader arrived in town with a mission to steal a large consignment of rifles, ammunition and transport them to his counterparts in the south. With the aid of three anonymous heroes, they set off to execute their impossible mission …

A 1971 top ten blockbuster ! Another Chang Cheh’s remarkable classic !

Rating : 4 stars of 5


Diane said...

Tres amigos buenos que se divierten, pero se encontraron involucrados en una maniobra muy peligrosa. Ellos murieron como mártires más adelante en la película.
Esta película le dará un sentido de patriotismo.
Quiero a todas las estrellas de cine en esta película

Three good friends who were having fun found themselves involved in a dangerous maneuver. They all died as martyrs later on in the movie.
This film will give you a sense of patriotism.

I like all the stars who played in this movie.

Amelia said...

David, as usual is charismatic and looks so cool in the movie with Ti Lung! Superbly action choreographed and plenty of remarkable fighting skill displays. Good to see Chin Li too, a courageous heroine who died alongside the other 2 heroes!