Tuesday, August 19, 2008

351 MUSIC BOX : JAY CHOU - 周杰倫

Jay Chou - 周杰倫

My favourite Jay's movie :

1) Kung Fu Dunk

2) Initial D

3) Secret

My favourite Jay's music :

1) 不能說的秘密

2) 周大俠 (功夫灌籃)

3) 七里香

1) 不能說的秘密

2) 周大俠 (功夫灌籃)

3) 七里香


Andrea said...

Jay Chou often mumbles and does not pronounce the words correctly. If I didn't have the lyrics with me, I would not understand what he was singing. However, his lyrics beats, His music and piano skill at times are very impressive. I like his '牛仔很忙' (a country rock) and his sentimental hit '菊花台'.

Diane said...

Jay Chou is someone new to me. As a baby boomer, all these talented youngsters are unknown to me, but I have watched Jay Chou's interview with CNN, I'm impressed by this young man, by his thoughts and principles in life. He wrote lyrics that are conformed to the society unlike many Rap, Hip Hop songs from US which are about killing, stealing, disobedience. For a young man like him to plant his feet firmly on the ground is really admirable. He is humble despite of fame and riches. He loves and respects his mom who raised him as a single parent. Jay deserves my respect!