Sunday, June 22, 2008

268 REVIEW : ‘ The Female Prince ‘

‘ The Female Prince ‘

Cast : Ivy Ling Po, Fang Ying, Li Ching, Chin Feng, Chin Han
Director : Chow Sze-loke


A poor scholar was framed by his future in-laws for theft of gold and put to jail. His fiancée thus went in disguise as a man to sit for an imperial examination, hoping to succeed and redress his injustice. Little did she expect that her success had put her in a dilemma for the emperor had called upon ‘her’ marriage to the princess…

Rating : 3 ½ stars of 5


Amelia said...

I enjoyed "The Female Prince" tremendously. I love everything about this yellow plumb opera ----the screenplay, actors, actresses, costumes,huangmei music and songs!

Again, Celestial has given a fantastic face lift on this old Huangmei classic and transformed it into a priceless gem. 3 cheers to their masterly endeavor!The sharp crystal and magnificent color of the picture is phenomenal.

Ling Po, is so charismatic and remarkable in her 2 roles: a beautiful, gracious maiden and a handsome scholar.

She is beautiful (as a maiden)with just the right make up and neat, elegant hair-piece in addition to her natural poise.Oh yes, not to forget her forever mesmerizing huangmei songs!

Conversely, when she first changes her attires to a male scholar, her appearance bears such a striking resemblance to her role as Liang San Boh in "Love Eterne". Soooo.... handsome, naive and boyish, esp. at the scene with Li Ching on the journey to Imperial City looking for her brother, Chin Fong.

Li Ching excels too as a sensitive and witty maid. She looks cute and lively and it's a 2-thumbs-up for her performance.

Fang Yin as an Imperial princess looks beautiful and gracious. She portrays and lipsyns fabulously well as a pretty, demure and intelligent Princess.

Chin Han's minor role in this movie has also earned much admiration from me. I'm also very happy to see Chin Han pair up with Ling Po here even though his role is limited. He looks cool in blue Scholar costume at the end of the movie! A truly handsome pair made in heaven!

By the way, at the end of the movie when Ling Po & Chin Han are showing us the token of their undying love; I noticed there is a X-shaped scar on Chin Han's hand, close to his thumb. Has anyone noticed that?

"The Female Prince" is undeniably a very entertaining Huangmei genre worth grabbing and keeping.:)

Diane said...


Unknown said...

This is the rare movie in which Fang Yin actually acted very well as the princess. Ivy Ling Po and Li Ching are of course excellent as usual. Chin Han's role is not substantial enough and the few scenes he is in make him look rather dumb.

ivan said...

This movie is one of the better huangmei diao genre in terms of plot, songs, acting (rare Fang Yin included). Entertaining! Hence I will rate 4 and a half. :)