Monday, December 21, 2009

795 DRAMA : ‘ Black and White ‘ - 痞子英雄

A 2009 Taiwan many awards-winning drama series

Black and White ‘ - 痞子英雄

Cast : Vic Chou , Mark Chao


Two vastly different personality cops were brought together to work as a team. One was a mysterious danger-shirking crafty slacker and the other was the reckless, craziest hero in the force. A case had brought them together and their relationship had an added complexity when a mafia boss's daughter fell in love with one and the other partner had a crush on her....

痞子英雄 - 周渝民, 趙又廷

一个是不用作太多事情,破案率卻極高的”痞子” 警探,

一个是破案率超高,但積極過度的” 英雄” 警探。俩人



Rating / 评价 : 4 stars of 5

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