Sunday, October 5, 2008

417 TAIWAN ROMANCE : ‘ The Story Of The Small Town ‘ - 小城故事

‘ The Story Of The Small Town ‘ - 小城故事

Cast : Joan Lin , Kenny Bee
Director : Li Hsing


An ex-convict came to a small town to learn a handcraft from an old sculptor. He came to know his mute daughter and soon they fell in love. Then came a hooligan who had a crush on the mute and wanted to harass her one-day …

A multi-awards winning movie which includes 'Best Actress' (Joan Lin), 'Best Picture', 'Best Screenplay' and 'Best Child Actor' .

小城故事 … 林凤娇,钟镇涛

一个刚出狱的青年,立志重新生活, 并寻访昔日狱中老友,跟他学习木雕技艺. 在淳朴的小镇, 青年与老友之哑女展开一段错综复杂的恋情 …

纯朴清新动人的故事情节 , 钟镇涛、林凤娇反璞归真的出色表演 , 优美动听的配乐歌曲 … 让本片荣获第16届金马奖最佳剧情片,最佳女主角,最佳童星,最佳原著剧本4项大奖 。

Rating / 评价 : 4 stars of 5


Diane said...

Love it, love it, love it!!! How I love this movie! Joan Lin didn't speak one word in this movie, but her acting as a mute young woman is enough to capture my heart. Kenny Bee, with his crew cut hair, looked like the boy next door, he complemented to Joan Lin's acting very well, they made a lovely screen couple. That little boy was absolutely fantastic, he was so natural, so adorable!!
Ge Xiang Ting, like always, was a brilliant actor. This story was made in a small city in Taiwan, the story showed the daily lives of simple folks like them, it made the whole story very credible and the audience could feel that they were a part of it.

yee1joyce said...

Thanks for posting this one, it's one of my favorite Taiwan movies with Joan Lin and Kenny Bee. Like Diane, I love the realism of the villagers' lives in this small town, everyone dressed and lived very simply, a very touching story. Although people live very simply in this story, they care about one another a lot. Also, the lovely music by Teresa Teng is great, makes this one a classic.
