‘ The 14 Amazons ‘
Cast : Ivy Ling Po , Li Ching , Lily Ho , Yue Hua , Lo Lieh , Lisa Lu , Wang Ping , Tina Chin Fei , Tsung Hua
Director : Cheng Kang
When Sung General Yang Tsung-pao was killed while fighting invaders from West Hsia, his grandmother led the Yang clan to form their own army and headed for the front …
The most expensive Shaw Bros production with great cast, superb direction, spectacular fighting choreography and excellent performances from all crew. Many awards winner including the ' Outstanding Lead Female Performance' ( Lily Ho ) , ' Best Director ' ( Cheng Kang ) and ' Best Supporting Actress ' ( Lisa Lu ).
Rating : 5 stars of 5

It was certainly a splendid production of Shaw Brothers. Nearly half of Shaws' cast was in the movie, both young and old! The story disclosed unity, courage, loyalty and determination of Yang household to defeat the enemy till the end. The scenes of Watergate & Human Bridge were fantastic!
Lily Ho portrayed as a cute, naive young amazon, and Ivy acted well in leading the troop.Overall, it's a remarkable Shaws' epic!!!
I can't believe Ivy Ling Po did not win an award for this movie. Her portrayal of Mu Kwei-ying is definitive.
The highlight of this movie was when the lady warriors braced themselves to make a human bridge, it was really awesome!
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