以下是从三月至十二月份因疑侵犯歌曲版权而被我删除掉的作品。。。 For the period March - Oct 2012, I had removed the followng MVs due to the following notice fr
Dec 07 ... Youtube COPYRIGHT NOTICES
1) Lawmovieworld 08 : Shaw Star (02) ... ' Jimmy Wang Yu & Cheng Pei Pei ' SPECIAL
Your video may include the following copyrighted content:
Visual content administered by: Celestial Pictures
2) Lawmovieworld 08 : Shaw Star (21)...12 Glamorous Actresses ( 邵氏十二女藝人)
Your video may include the following copyrighted content:
"張韶涵-Over The Rainbow", sound recording administered by: linfair_records
3) Lawmovieworld 10 : (67) 文章.. 飄雪.. ( 網上首播 )
Your video may include the following copyrighted content:
"文章-飄雪", sound recording administered by: linfair_records
4) Lawmovieworld 11 : (73) 范曉萱.. 踏雪尋梅.. ( 網上首播 )
Your video may include the following copyrighted content:
"范曉萱+蟑螂IPIS-踏雪尋梅", sound recording administered by: linfair_records
Oct 31... Youtube COPYRIGHT NOTICE Lawmovieworld 10 : (21) 鄧麗君.. 路邊的野花不要採 Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "Teresa Teng-Lu Bian Ye Hua Bu Yao Cai (Album Version)", sound recording administered by: UMG
1) Lawmovieworld 09 : (19) 张韶涵 / 范玮琪.. 如果的事 Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "Various-Ru Guo De Shi", sound recording administered by: linfair_records
2) Lawmovieworld 08 : Shaw Star (16)... "Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre".. Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "Kevin Kern-Sundial Dreams", sound recording administered by: IODA 3) Lawmovieworld 08 : Shaw Star (05)... Silver Screen Heroes.. Your video may include the following copyrighted content: Visual content administered by: Celestial Pictures
Lawmovieworld 09 : 星光闪闪 (15) ...一剪梅.. (主唱:费玉清) Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "Yu Ching Fei-Yi Jian Mei (Album Version)", sound recording administered by: UMG
1. Lawmovieworld 10 : (54) 杜德偉.. 無心傷害Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "杜德偉-無心傷害", sound recording administered by: Rock Records 滾石國際音樂股份有限公司
2. Lawmovieworld 10 : (46) 錦繡二重唱.. 外婆的澎湖湾.. ( 網上首播 )Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "錦繡二重唱-外婆的澎湖灣", sound recording administered by: Rock Records 滾石國際音樂股份有限公司
3. Lawmovieworld 09 : (23) 五月天.. 知足 Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "五月天-知足", sound recording administered by: Rock Records 滾石國際音樂股份有限公司
4. Lawmovieworld 08 : Shaw Star (15) .. Ti Lung Special..Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "成龍-醉拳", sound recording administered by: Rock Records 滾石國際音樂股份有限公司
1. Lawmovieworld 10 : (59) 費玉清.. 千絲萬縷情.. ( 網上首播 )Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "Yu Ching Fei-Qian Si Wan Lu Qing (Album Version)", sound recording administered by: UMG
2. Lawmovieworld 11 : (35) 黎明.. 今生相愛来生再相聚.. ( 網上首播 ) Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "Leon Lai-Ru Guo Zhe Shi Qing (Album Version)", sound recording administered by: UMG
3. Lawmovieworld 10 : (32) 張洪量.. 你知道我在等你吗? Your video may include the following copyrighted content:"張洪量-你知道我在等你嗎", sound recording administered by: Rock Records 滾石國際音樂股份有限公司
1. Lawmovieworld 11 : (36) 黃仲崑.. 無人的海邊Your video may include the following copyrighted content:"Teresa Teng-Shan Cha Hua (Album Version)", sound recording administered by: UMG
2. Lawmovieworld 10 : (62) 鄧麗君.. 山茶花Your video may include the following copyrighted content:"Teresa Teng-Shan Cha Hua (Album Version)", sound recording administered by: UMG
3. Lawmovieworld 10 : (68) 剛澤斌.. 你在他鄉 Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "剛澤斌-妳在他鄉", sound recording administered by: Rock Records 滾石國際音樂股份有限公司
1. Lawmovieworld 11 : (38) 藍心湄.. 一見鐘情 Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "May Lan-Yi Jian Zhong Qing (Album Version)", sound recording administered by: UMG
2. Lawmovieworld 08 : Shaw Star (09)...12 Glamorous Shaw Stars..许美静- 城里的月光 Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "Mavis Hsu-Cheng Li De Yue Guang (Album Version)", sound recording administered by: UMG
3. Lawmovieworld 12 : (21) 鄧麗君.. 前生有緣Your video may include the following copyrighted content:"Teresa Teng-Qian Sheng You Yuan (Album Version)", sound recording administered by: UMG
Oct 18... Youtube COPYRIGHT NOTICE
Lawmovieworld 08 : Shaw Star (14)... Ching Li Special. Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "Kelly Chen-Lover's Concerto (Album Version)", sound recording administered by: UMG
Lawmovieworld 10 : (09) 沈雁.. 踏浪.. (電影"我踏浪而来"插曲)Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "Yan Shen-Ta Lang (Album Version)", sound recording administered by: UMG
Lawmovieworld 12 : (40) 王菲.. 一個小心願. Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "Faye Wong-Yi Ge Xiao Xin Yuen (Album Version)", sound recording administered by: UMG
Lawmovieworld 11 : (19) 周華健.. 最真的夢 Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "周華健-最真的夢", sound recording administered by: Rock Records 滾石國際音樂股份有限公司 ..
Sep 28...Youtube COPYRIGHT NOTICE :
Lawmovieworld 08 : Shaw Star (13)... Silver Screen Heroes Your video may include the following copyrighted content: Visual content administered by: Celestial Pictures
Sep 11... Youtube COPYRIGHT NOTICE
Lawmovieworld 09 : (41) 鳳飛飛.. 追隨彩虹.. ( 電影"奔向彩虹''插曲 ) Your video may include the following copyrighted content: Disputed claims "Teresa Teng-Zhui Sui Cai Hong (Album Version)", sound recording administered by: UMG
Aug 31...Youtube COPYRIGHT NOTICE Lawmovieworld 12 : (53) 蕭孋珠.. 一簾幽夢.. (電影"一簾幽夢"主題曲) Your video may include the following copyrighted content:"Yi lian you meng", musical composition administered by: One or more music publishing rights collecting societies CloseLearn more about collecting societies.
Lawmovieworld 11 : (22) 潘裕文,徐宛鈴.. 幸福的時光 Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "潘裕文-03-幸福的時光", sound recording administered by: HIMservice
Jun 24...Youtube Copyright Notice Lawmovieworld 08 : (11) Una Paloma Blanca Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "George Baker Selection-Paloma Blanca", sound recording administered by: EMI
Jun 03...Youtube Copyright Notice
Lawmovieworld 09 : (31) 梁静茹.. 宁夏 Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "梁静茹-寧夏", sound recording administered by: Bin Music
Apr 24...Youtube Copyright Notice
Lawmovieworld 12 : (27) 費玉清.. 漁唱.. (經典新編 / 網上首播) Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "Fei Yu-Ching-Yu Chang", sound recording administered by: WMG
Apr 20...Youtube Copyright Notice
Lawmovieworld 12 : (26) 費玉清.. 白雲長在天.. (電影"白雲長在天"主題曲) Your video may include the following copyrighted content: · "Bai Yun Zhang Zai Tian", musical composition administered by: Music Publishing Rights Collecting Society
Mar ...Youtube Copyright Notice
Lawmovieworld 11 : (68) 许冠英.. 虾妹共你.. (粤语歌曲) Your video may include the following copyrighted content: "Ricky Hui-Ha Mei Gong Ni (Album Version)", sound recording administered by: UMG
Mar ...Youtube Copyright Notice
Lawmovieworld 12 : (19) 劉德華.. 真永遠 Your video may include the following copyrighted content: Musical Composition administered by: GoDigital MG For a Third Party
Mar ... Youtube Copyright Notice
Lawmovieworld 09 : 韩剧 ' 情迷贝多芬'" as Youtube's suspected that it may have song copyright infringement...