‘ A Maid From Heaven ‘
Cast : Ivy Ling Po, Fang Yin
Director : Ho Meng-hua
The romance of a fairy and a mortal being …
The Seventh Fairy fell in love with a young man Tung Yong, for his filial piety had touched her heart so much that she had transformed herself into a country maid in view to marry him. However, their happiness did not last long as an order from the Emperor of Heaven for the Seventh Fairy to return to the Heavenly Palace soon arrived ….
A delightful and sweet huang mei diao with gorgeous scenery and costumes especially at the initial part of the movie where all the seven fairies sang and danced in the heaven. Ivy once again exudes her charismatic charm in her role as Tung Yong and Fang Ying’s performance is mediocre. Quite an entertaining huang mei classic !
Rating : 3 ½ stars of 5

Ling Po looked really cute and boyish in this film. Fang Yin had such a sweet face, she was also graceful. I love the songs and costumes, I wish Tong Yong and his wife would have a happy end!
The only part of the film I like and constantly rewatch is after the couple leave the squire's house. There is a classic song there that Tsin Ting & Ivy Ling Po still sing in concert today. Something is not quite right with this film and it stops short of being a masterpiece. With due respect to Fang Yin's fans, we feel the problem is :
1. the casting of B-list actresses to play the 6 fairies.
2. Fang Yin's inexperience and therefore she was wooden.
Considering this is Ivy's 2nd Shaws' movie, I think she did very well. She's charismatic and remarkable in her role as Tong Yong esp of the scenes at the proposal and wedding performed by the Earth God.A multi-talented actress who always strives to give her audience the best shot! Well done Ivy!
Fany Yin looks a bit "green" in this movie, may be it's her debut. Well, one has to start somewhere sometime, and generally speaking, she's not that bad in her acting.
Still,she is the perfect choice to pair up with Ling Po because she is demure, petite and pretty.
The Huangmei songs though are sooo......mellifluous and poignant, they are fabulous and romantic and who could beat the unique voice of Ivy Ling Po?
The finale of this movie is incredibly moving! The scenes of Ling Po searching for his fairy wife in desperation brought tears to my eyes.
Terence's comments on Fang Yin is debatable.
I have seen 3 versions of this movie and this SB version is the best. Fang Yin's role included. Obviously, she must have been quite good as she is fondly remembered as the '7th sister'.
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